Friday, November 25, 2011

Turkey Day is Here

It’s Thanksgiving time once again.  The time to fit in as many things as possible in the week or so off from school.  The time for friends and family to recount times of old.  Thanksgiving is a great precursor to the gt’z that will soon be had during Christmas break. 
As Loudon Wainwright III once said, “Forget about Thanksgiving, it’s just a buffet in between [Halloween and Christmas].”  Never has something more correct been said.  Thanksgiving is a ton of time of preparing the beastly feast, of planning who’s gonna sit where, and when we will be able to turn on National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. (We didn’t watch it this year, thanks a lot football) 
Thanksgiving is loading up a plate to its absolute capacity, then tossing a few rolls on top and hope that you make it to the table before the volcano of food explodes.  It’s a time to mentally prepare oneself for the truckloads of food that will be bulldozed into your stomach.  The meal itself is a true test of agility and strength.  To eat as much as possibly possible, then go up for another plate.
A new tradition has evolved from Thanksgiving.  “Hey honey! Let’s go out to shop for things for Thanksgiving, and just wait there for three days so we can be the first in line at Best Buy!”   Skipping out on the Thanksgiving meal, which is debatably the only important meal to eat all year, to camp out at a store to get low prices on a camcorder; that’s just plain wrong.  I know these are tough financial times we are in, but really people?  Do you think there were pilgrims out there skipping out on Thanksgiving so they could get the lowest prices on spices and animal skin? I don’t think so, there’s a little thing that I like to call tradition.
Thanksgiving being over is a pretty monumental moment.  For many, it’s finally acceptable to start listening to Christmas music! Oh I sure do love this time of year.  The music is the best (except for those really lame original songs people try to sing and they just end up sucking really bad.  I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving,  but now it’s time for a little B101.1 to get into the Christmas state of mind.

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